
the territory of our family’s past lies waiting for us to discover it


my parents: Eric & Jean

My Mum grew up in Brierley Hill and my Dad in Wednesfield, both Black Country communities in the United Kingdom. The birth place of the Industrial Revolution, the Black Country was shaped by the exploitation of resources and explosion of industry. The earth was mined with a fury, the furnaces glowed red and the sky turned black. It was a time of upheaval, massive social change, invention, innovation and wealth creation.

Inevitably all the lines in my family tree do lead at different points to the Black Country – sooner or later.

My 9x maternal grandfather, William Skidmore, a “collier of Brettell”, was granted a lease to build a cottage by Lord Dudley of Dudley Castle in 1629, when Charles 1 was on the throne. Seven generations of Black Country coal miners followed him.

My paternal grandmother was born in Gibraltar and only first came to Wednesfield in the 1920s.

My DNA ethnicity estimate:

19% Wales

14% Scotland

6% Ireland

Ancestry UK

I have been researching on and off for around 15 years and now there are over 13,000 people on my extended family tree. All of these people had lives – a story – and I hope you enjoy reading some of their stories as much as I loved discovering them.